Understanding how bats respond to viruses can open up new possibilities in helping find new ways to treat both humans and animals because bats have a remarkable ability to carry a virus and not get sick from it. This is why researchers want to study bats – understanding bat immune responses to a virus could unlock new medical treatments to help save the lives of humans and animals, including bats.

  • CSU is building a facility on its Foothills Campus devoted to helping CSU and other research universities and agencies study bats and their response to infectious diseases.



5 things to know

  1. This research is important. Bats hold unique, critically-important clues to understanding why and how people and animals get sick when exposed to disease-causing organisms known as pathogens.
  2. CSU is the best place in the world to do this research. The university is one of few places already studying bats and infectious diseases, and has done these studies for 18 years. CSU is building this facility to help other scientists across the world study bats.
  3. In the new building, researchers will work with mild infectious disease pathogens that can be easily treated. Pathogens that will be present in the building are low-risk and are comparable to organisms that cause food-borne illness or strep throat. CSU will not create a new pathogen.
  4. This building and the research inside are safe. CSU has studied infectious diseases since the 1960s and has a long track-record of expertise, safety, and compliance. Ebola, Marburg or Nipah viruses will not be studied in the new building or in any CSU building. CSU does not and cannot possess these viruses. Our facilities are not built to research these viruses. Research partners in other locations may study these viruses.
  5. Bats will be contained within the building at all times. The building will be highly secure and specially designed for housing bats and low-risk research. And, it will provide bats with big areas that mimic their natural habitat.